Saturday, January 2, 2010

The New Year

My first post of the new year, unfortunatley I don't have anything terribly exciting to share. I'm well on my way into my debt management plan, so if everything goes according to plan I should, in theory, be credit card debt free in 3 years or so. Which coincidentally, is around the time my car should be paid off, so needless to say I am very much looking forward to the year 2013. Husband and I were able to pull of Christmas without using the evil plastic, and while it was hard and stressful at the time, I'm so glad we didn't swipe out souls away this year. It really is invigorating to know that I will be able to tell the credit card companies to suck it.

Husband and I actually made time for eachother this past friday night, and had an amazing date at Amari's in Sandwich, which by the way, hands down, best restaurant on cape in my opinion. It's an Italian place, so I automatically thought "pasta & sauce", and husband even wondered why I picked it (my tomatoe allergy). Oh no friend, this place kicks the crap out of Olive Garden, let me tell you. Amazing! Our appetizer was mushrooms stuffed with lobster& crab, bacon wrapped scallops & shrimp marinated in some kind of amazing sauce. Dinner was more than you could ever possibly eat, while it is a few bucks (plan on spending atleast $100 if you have an appetizer and adult beverage), it is totally worth it.

I started midnights for the winter, which is a nice break from the day time shift, I get to spend more time with my kids, and I can actually plan doctor's appointments on a day other than my only 2 days off. Hopefully I can get some schoolwork done at night so I can spend my days playing with my babies. I might even do the swimming lessons with MJ again at at the Sandwich highschool, which should help circumvent his energy since I haven't heard back from Boston in regards to his "behavioral" testing(ADHD).

So far so good, I'm hoping 2010 will be a productive year, and I'm going to continue to work on myself :)