Friday, April 16, 2010

Getting On My Soap Box

My husband has grounded me from watching Nancy Grace along the other laundry list of other Headline News shows, he says its too depressing, and it only exhasterbates my already dibilitating anxiety. I can't help it, maybe its because she's the greatest mega bitch that has ever lived, its part of what draws me to her show. Anyways, the whole 'update' on the Haleigh Cummings case has me in my soap box. If you're not familiar with her case, check out HLN, its on replay. Basically about a year and a half ago, 9-1-1 was called in Putnum County Florida (what is with Florida and missing/murdered children WTF already) when father 27 year old Ronald Cummings came home around 2 am from working at a factory (which initially was confirmed) to 17 year old babysitter/live in girlfriend Misty Crosslen stating some one had 'stolen' Hayley while they (meaning herself,Haleigh and 3 year old brother Ron Jr were asleep in the same room. Misty had claimed that she last saw Haleigh at around 10 pm when she went to sleep, and went on to change stories on which child was sleeping in what bed, and also went on to give an incorrect description on Haleigh's PJ's. A lot of things were not adding up in Misty's 'account' of that night. The Cummings family had a troubled past, and Haleigh's 'disaapearance' was just a tragedy waiting to happen. What gets me is that Ronald (the father) went on to marry Misty about 1 month later, even though her story wasn't making any sense and she was the last one to reportedly see Haleigh alive. WHO THE HELL DOES THAT?!?!? Not surprisingly the marriage only lasted a few months, and the two divorced, only to re unite several months later on drug trafficking charges, surprise surprise. My question is WHY IS THERE NOT A COMPETANCY TEST TO BECOME A PARENT!?!?!?! You need a license to drive a car, a license to own a dog, even a license to catch a fish, but theres no rules or regulations in order to care for a child?!?!?! WTF!!!!! And why in so many cases, does CPS give back these children of violent and drug addicted homes, where abuse has been proven, being an abuser does not stop at 'oh I promise I'll never do it again', I may be completely out of line here, but in my opinion, once an abuser, always an abuser. These poor children do not have a chance, there are so many families out there who would love to care for these children that are abuse and neglected, but the parents use them as a pawn to gain whatever advantage it is they're getting. It absolutely boils my blood. Poor Haleigh is believed to have been thrown into a river with alligators, and they're still debating on whether or not she was dead when she was tied down with cinderblocks. She was a poor defenseless 5 year old little girl with special needs, and she had the unfortunate luck of being born into the situation she was. Our children are our future, when will we as a society start putting more value on their precious little lives
