Friday, May 1, 2009

And Now For Something You'll Really Like ...

Last friday my friend Sara and I made our way to Babies R Us in Hyannis, aka "little Brockton by the sea" to navigate the aisles for my friend Tashina's baby shower gift. After about half an hour I left with the Boppy Pillow in hand, and we crossed the parkinglot to my designated "expectant mothers" parking spot, which I quite enjoy since the only other special parking in town is for handicapped or old people. Anyways, as I am the ADD queen I notice everything, and getting to their cars at the same time was a family of 3 (a mom, dad and a seven year old?) and another mom and her child of around the same age. As Sara and I opened my car door to get in we hear the mom from the party of 3 yell "YOU STUPID FAT WHORE!!!!!". Now the other mom was parked about 3 cars away and we were parked directly behind her across the street, so the 3 of us (Sara, myself and the other mom) looked around in confusion in who she was addressing, and discust (UM HELLO THERE'S CHILDREN AROUND INCLUDING YOUR OWN!!!!). Clearly we had missed something, Sara and I would've loved to have watched some kind of white trash scuffle in the baby store (this is Hyannis after all). But of course the big mouthed mom yelled this getting into her car, bc tough guys yell things as they run away in their purple ford escort ... I don't get it, and these same parents are going to wonder why in about five years their gonna have trouble with little Timmy. Maybe because he sees his parents act like pieces of trash every day ... just a thought.