Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Adjectives That Should Never Be Used When Addressing A Pregnant Chick

I appologize to those who heard my rant earlier, but I felt the need to share to those who haven't had the pleasure. Now I had been self conscious about my "bump" or there lack of compared to other girls at my stage, that is until today. I had brought little man to the children's museum to play, and give husband a much needed break from daddy duty. As I was rounding up Michael Jr to leave a lady says to me :

"Oh you look like you're ready to have that baby now"

Me: "Yeah, but I still have two months left"

Lady: "People use to say that to me all the time I WAS GIGANTIC TOO"

Color drains from my face .... must stop myself from bursting into tears ....

Annnnnnnnnd on that note we left. GIGANTIC?!?!?!?! REALLY??!?!? I mean yes I wasn't in the most flattering of ensambles, my workout clothes and an oversized GAP sweatshirt .... but GIGANTIC?!?! After that I swear I felt every giggle and that much more swollen. FML. I know that the lady didn't mean anything by it, but seriously just because you're a chick who's been pregnant before does not give you carte blanche to go up to any pregnant chick and utter any ignorant sentence that comes to mind. AND THANK GOD I haven't had any strangers try to touch my belly because I will destroy them and possibly get arrested in the process. If you wanna see GIGANTIC this is me at the same stage pregnant with Michael Jr, my brother use to call me "the mothership" I could barely fit into booth's at restaurants:


Live/Love/Life said...

F em - Who cares as long as you and the baby are healthy.

Suburban Turmoil said...

Oh, I got that comment ALL THE TIME when I was pregnant. I told my handyman I had two more months left in my pregnancy and he said, "Are you SURE?!" I said yes. He said "Are you sure you're not having TWINS?!" Totally serious.

He hasn't been back since.